Thursday, July 21, 2016


President Rodrigo Duterte is the Dictator Against Bad Guys

As promised by our Presindent Rodrigo Duterte way back on his electoral campaign, he will be dictator against bad guys and he is doing it now most specially in fighting the illegal drugs and pledged to kill criminals and ignore due process.

President Rodrigo Duterte is the Dictator Against Bad Guys
Photo by: GMA

The President earned an international reputation as "The Punisher" and "Mass Murder Advocate" when he was still a Mayor in Davao City.

We are experiencing his slogan "Change Is Coming" as he and his officials are indeed doing their job well against criminality in our country.

In his less than a month of being the President of the Philippines, his government already made a very strong impact against drug lords, drug pushers, users and other illegal drug related activities. | SRP - INTP


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