Sunday, October 8, 2017


7 Signs to Check if Your Partner is Cheating

Cheating is the most hurtful and most disgusting your partner would do to you. A lot of relationships failed because the other cant stay true to its partner. In some instances, you may find yourself worrying for no reason, but if you really have that gut feeling thinking there is something off with your partner, then probably there is. It's always important to be aware and be mindful of the current situation in your relationship. As they say, the truth will set you free. Everybody deserves to know what is going on around you so you can make the best decision for yourself. 


Here are some simple detectable signs to check whether your partner is cheating or getting there:

  1. They Become Distant All of a Sudden

If your partner is being distant with you for no reason, or sometimes ignoring you for no reason, take this sign as a warning. There might be a lot of reason for their distant, it could be depression, problems from work or an existing issue within your relationship. However, if none of the above was the problem and you are sure about that, try talking to them and ask what is going on. If they can't explain it to you, or you are not even satisfied with the reason, there must be something fishy going on.

  1. Strange Activity on Social Media

Social media nowadays are one of the easy access to peek or to investigate if something is going on. When you notice something on their activity, searching or looking up on someone frequently, liking someone's pictures and even posting about you or taking pictures with you can be less and less seldom, think about it. We have a problem here.

  1. Too Clingy on Their Devices

When you notice that your partner is always bringing their phone wherever they go, putting unnecessary pin locks or being too secretive in reading messages showing they don’t want them you read it, there might be something in there. It doesn’t really mean you need to know their activity all the time, but hey, when they get super jumpy when you get close to their cellphone or computer, or they get uneasy reading messages when you are around, most probably, somebody is creepin' out there.

  1. You Are Hearing Rumors That Your Partner is Cheating

This one is very obvious but a lot of people have been ignoring this sign just because they don’t believe it. Or most probably, they cannot accept the fact that their partner is already cheating on them. However, if you have been receiving these messages, take it and investigate already. It might sound unusual for you to hear that your partner but it is far more unusual for someone making up these stories to you. Go on and start that CSI mode on.

  1. Accusing You

You know the saying, thinkers are doers. If your partner has been accusing you of cheating with no particular reasons there is a huge probability that he was doing the same thing he said. If you know for yourself that you have been faithful in your entire relationship and he is still accusing you, you need to see the signs to get the bottom of it.

  1. You Have No Idea Where He Is

Being in a relationship is not a game of hide and seek. If you have no idea where he was, where he's been and he's been reluctant to tell you about this, something is not right.

  1. They Lie

If you found him lying about little things, you can never be sure if he or she is lying about bigger things. Whether its big or small, lies are lies. Being trustworthy and honest in a relationship is crucial. Without it, this would cause a lot of heartbreak and hurt. SRP - INTP


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Saturday, September 2, 2017


7 Keys to Have Happy Relationship

All of us wanted a happy and growing relationship. A lot of us may find this difficult and often times we always end up ending the relationship due to differences and misunderstandings. Keeping a relationship strong may take a lot of hard work, but here are a few simple keys how to keep your relationship on going.

1. Respect
In every aspect of relationship, this is the main foundation, RESPECT. It means caring about your partner's wants and needs although you may not agree all of all the time but having this will give your partner a freedom of expressing one's self. It means that the happiness of the person you are with is equal level to yours.

2. Loyalty
This is the most component that we really wanted to have with our partners. It means that you both have each other's back. With this, relationships is successful knowing that each of you focuses on supporting one another at all times. That even on doubt, you probe first with your partner privately and talk giving the benefit of a doubt if there would be an issue arises.

3. Priorities
Another key to have a stronger and positive relationship is knowing your priorities. There is nothing more than feeling valued when we know that we are one of the priorities of our partner. No matter how busy life may seem, always commit to make time in communicating and addressing each other's wants and needs. Asking how their day was goes a long way. Make sure to always have the quality time for each other. Its always essential to balance your priorities from work, children, and other obligations. Do not make your partner feel neglected.

4. Healthy Arguments
Relationship without arguments is not real. Argument is there to set your differences, to hear each other's opinions and learning from it. Knowing each other's point of view and accepting faults. Argument is different from fighting. Healthy argument is having an open conversation for both parties, talking calmly, and understanding that not all the time you agree on the same things. But it doesn’t mean to end your relationship there,  it means that with this, you are giving another space for your relationship to grow. Never bring up issues from the past and focus on the current issue to solve.

5. Affection
This concept would let you realize that "Actions speak louder than words". If you tell our partner you love her, show them. Kiss them on the forehead, hold their hands, hug them randomly. With this, you partner would feel appreciated and loved. Use kind words when talking to them, do not yell or shout. On whatever level you can do, whether by verbal or material, do not fail to make your partner feel loved.

6. Sacrifice
In every successful relationship, both  understand that sometimes sacrifice is necessary. Whether sometimes it means you need to do the things you don’t usually do or putting extra effort to calm down and hearing your partners concern because these things matter to your partner. Even if it isn't the easiest or the most convenient time you should always be there to back them up. This takes a lot of work to achieve the happy, successful and long-lasting relationship.

7. Positivity
Do  not linger on the negativity of the current situation. When your partner is having a set back, always be there for the come back. Should be vise versa. When one is weak, one should remain strong to support in times of hardship. When the other one is at their worst, always remember how they were on their best. Real relationships are not perfect, perfect relationships are not real.  You have each other's back, to love and support, to be there with each other at times of need. Do not be negative in the situations, always have a positive mindset that everything will be okay as long as you have each other. | SRP - INTP


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Friday, September 16, 2016


5 Easy Ways to Move On If You Still Love Your Ex

We all know that moving on is one of the hardest thing to do if you still love your ex. However, this emotion must not stop you to go on in your life.

5 Easy Ways to Move On If You Still Love Your Ex

How? Here are 5 easy ways that may help you to move on if you still love your ex girlfriend or boy friend:

1. Do Not Communicate with Your Ex

The first thing you need to do is to cut your communication to him or her. We know that it's not easy but you have to do it if you really want to move on and if you still love yourself.

2. Friendship is Not a Good Idea

You both do not need to be friends as most of the people are hang on to the idea of friendship is one way to keep the possibility of your past relationship to be alive and you will be having a false hope. Bear in mind that having a genuine friendship with an ex is not possible unless you have healed through the pain you have experienced.

3. Acceptance

One of the painful yet necessary way to move on with your ex is to accept that both of you are not meant for each other. There always a reason why your relationship came to an end. You may right down all the painful things you have experienced and read it until you do not feel the pain anymore.

4. Make Peace with Your Ex

You have to learn how to forgive and forget. Regardless who is the reason of your break-up. We know that it's really hard to forgive someone who hurt you the most, breaks your heart into pieces, betray the trust you give etc., but it's a part of moving on.

5. Love Yourself More Than Anyone Else

It's not being selfish. It's just you need to love yourself more than anyone else to avoid painful moving on and letting go. Find someone that you deserve to be in a relationship with. Someone that knows your worth, shares your memories and values together. Someone that treats you right.

We're hoping this would help you to move on in your past relationship. Just believe in yourself, you can do it! |SRP - INTP


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Tuesday, September 13, 2016


10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

In some point of your life, you regret that you unwisely spend your money and at the back of your mind, you told yourself that "If I just save that money". Best example of this one is being a "one-time millionaire", most of us are in this lifestyle whenever you have a money, you spent it without thinking about tomorrow and regret it the next day.

10 Easiest Ways to Save Money
Now, you don't have to worry as I will share to you the 10 Easiest Ways to Save Money and these are the following:

1. Eliminate Your Debts and Loans

This is the first thing you need to eliminate so that you don't have any burdens and obligations in paying those every month. Try to compute the total interests versus your debt you will think that the interest may put in your savings once you are already debt-free individual.

10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

2. Mind-set Your Savings Goals

If you told yourself that you will save your money, be ensure that you will do so. You need to set your mind that you need to save money in a monthly basis. You need to also visualize what you are saving for to motivate yourself.

10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

3. Stop Buying Unnecessary Things

In this generation, we are aware that having cool gadgets make you "in" or "famous" in social world or in your circle of friends. In future perspectives, these gadgets won't help you to save money instead it helps you to spend money. 

10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

4. Stop Your Vices

If you are a chain-smoker, we all know that it's not easy to quick on it. However, try to lessen it. If you smoke a pack or two per day, try to cut it up by pack or half of it until you didn't notice that you are ready to quit! Imagine how many bucks you spent in buying just cigarettes and how many bucks you may save when you quick on it?

You may also drink occasionally or stop hanging out in the bar and try to drink at home and buy your favorite brandy or whisky in the Supermarket which is much cheaper compare if you buy it in the bar.

10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

5. Take a Staycation

Who doesn't want to have a vacation in a cozy and relaxing place? But, take time to think of it, instead of paying an airline tickets, tour package, and hotels. For a change, try to stay at home, cook a turkey for a change and have a cup of coffee while reading at your backyard? Try to have even a small garden so that you will have a fresh air and a relaxing ambiance together with your family. 

You don't need to go far to have a good family bonding. You may go to a park and have a picnic with them.

10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

6. Utility Savings

Simply turn-off all your appliances if no one is at home, turn-off your television if no one is watching, etc. Those simple things may help you to lower down your bills and save money.

10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

7. Pack Your Lunch

It's one of the best money-saving tip if you want to start saving your money as we all know that it's more convenient if we pack our lunch than buying in a fast food chains, cafes, or restaurant.

10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

8. Open a Savings Account

Yes, you need to open a savings account if you want to save money. Some banks are offering a savings account with ATM account but, if you choose this one, you need to bear in your mind that you must surrender your ATM at the bank or simply leave it at home. This will help you to lessen your expenses even if you know that you have a money to buy the things you want. Believe it or not, some of us can't help themselves to spend if they know they have a money from the bank and it's very easy to withdraw using ATM machines.

10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

9. Cut All Your Credit Cards

It's simply because you cannot start to control your expenses unless you cut your credit cards. 

10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

10. Create Your List of Monthly Budget

To monitor your expenses versus your income, you need to do this list. This will serve as your guide and give yourself a limit. Bear in mind that you must spend within your income and always set your mind that you have to save money in a monthly basis.

10 Easiest Ways to Save Money

We're hoping this would help you in saving your money. Happy Savings! |SRP - INTP


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Monday, September 12, 2016


10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Savings Until Now

You might relate with some of these reasons. However, bear in mind that it's not too late to save your money and have a financial freedom in the future. 

10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Savings Until Now
1. You are just contented on your small salary. You don't have any plans to have an extra money.

10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Savings Until Now

2. You don't have any Financial Plans, that's why you don't have a bank account or just a simple piggy bank.

10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Savings Until Now
3. You are just depending on the money given by your loved ones, that's why you are thinking that it's okay even if you don't have any savings. 

4. You prioritize your luxury like buying new gadgets and traveling, than saving your money.

10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Savings Until Now

5. You don't have any budget plans, that's why you are having a hard time in monitoring your expenses.

10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Savings Until Now

6. You are always setting your mind that "I will save my money starting tomorrow", it only means that you don't have any determination in saving your money.

10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Savings Until Now
7. You are afraid to try to put up a new business or to have an investment because of your Financial Literacy.

10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Savings Until Now

8. You are giving all your money in helping your family even if there's nothing left for you.

10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Savings Until Now

9. You have a lot of debts and loans as you are prioritizing what you "want" instead of what you "need".

10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Savings Until Now
10. You don't have a strong mind-setting that you need to save money for the future, than buying unnecessary things that satisfy you in the present.

10 Reasons Why You Don't Have Savings Until Now
To all our readers, stop being contented on your small salary and find something that will help you to save money for your future or for emergency purposes so that you don't need to lend money to someone which might give you another headache because of high interest which will not help you along the way. 

It's not bad to help your family in their financial needs however, you also need to see things in bigger perspective even if you are the bread-winner in your family, you need to save money for yourself it's not being selfish, it's for your future.

Always monitor your income versus your expenses it will help you to budget your money and ensure that you will have a savings even a single buck. 

Please bear in mind that gadgets and other luxury you want will only satisfy you for a short time only most likely if you have a small amount of income. It's more satisfying if you have a lot of savings, you don't need to go to work because you have a business which gives you an extra income before but now it's your main source of income, and you can buy whatever you want because you know the significance of your money until the single penny. In addition, it's more fun to travel if you have a Financial Freedom.

It's mind-over-matter, always set your mind that you can save money and always think for your future. |SRP - INTP


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